ICGN is a worldwide network of scientists from universities, research institutes and
industry within the coffee producing and coffee consuming countries.
ICGN will focus on the genetic and molecular bases of traits important for consumers, processors and
producers in terms of quality and reduced economic and environmental costs.
ICGN represents an international commitment to work jointly for the development of common sets of
genetic and genomic resources.
ICGN is celebrating 20 yrs in 2025!
Upcoming meetings of interest to the coffee community
17th ICGN Coffee Genomics Workshop as part of the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG-33) meeting, San Diego, California, January 9-14, 2026. https://www.intlpag.org/
30th ASIC Coffee Science Conference will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, October 27-31, 2025. For more information see conference website at:
ASIC Conferences on Coffee Science are held every two years. See Conference archives at: https://www.asic-cafe.org/
The 20th Solanaceae Genomics Network (SOLRUB 2025) meeting
will be held in Torino, Italy on September 22-26, 2025. This year program will include Solanaceae and Rubiaceae. For more information see www site at:
5th World Coffee Conference, Bangalore, India, July 10-13, 2023.
Every four to five years, the International Coffee Organization holds a high-level World Coffee Conference to enable discussion around critical topics for the global coffee sector. The first four Conferences have taken place in the United Kingdom (2001), Brazil (2005), Guatemala (2010), and Ethiopia (2016).
3rd World Coffee Producers Forum- Kigali, Rwanda, Feb 13-14, 2023.
The 1st World Coffee Producers Forum was organized by the Colombian National Coffee Growers Federation as part of the celebration of its 90th years, in MedellĂn, Colombia, July 10-12, 2017. The forum brought together 1,300 participants from 44 countries to identify strategies for a better distribution of value and responsibility among all actors of the coffee chain, including the coffee global industry, in search of sustainability of the global chain from seed to cup. The 2nd forum was held in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, November 8-10, 2018. https://www.worldcoffeeproducersforum.com/#about
Programs and abstracts of most recent ICGN workshops.
[Click on link to access program, click on the title of the presentation to access the full abstract. Please note that several authors have kindly provided pdf summaries of their presentations that can be accessed by clicking on the pdf].
2025 program, 16th ICGN workshop: January 10-15, 2025.
2024 program, 15th ICGN workshop: January 12-17, 2024.
2023 program, 14th ICGN workshop:
2022 program, 13th ICGN workshop:
2019 program, 12th ICGN workshop:
2018 program, 11th ICGN workshop:
2017 program, 10th ICGN workshop:
2016 program, 9th ICGN workshop:
2015 program, 8th ICGN workshop:
2014 program, 7th ICGN workshop:
2013 program, 6th ICGN workshop:
2012 program, 5th ICGN workshop:
Reports from previous ICGN workshops and meetings can accessed at: